Payment of hourly contract (for caseworker contract)

If you are a caseworker for contracts you can read about how to process time sheets from hourly employees here.

As a caseworker contract you will find submitted time sheets from hourly employees in "My inbox" in the self-service portal.

To process a selected form, click "Open task" to the bottom right.

The time sheet will open in a new window. To cancel the processing, click the button "Cancel" to the bottom right of the page.

To approve the form, click "Approve" to the bottom right. Click "Approve" again in the confirmation dialogue which appears. The form will then go to posting in SAP and will be paid out on the next payroll run in accordance with DFØ's payroll schedule. As the contract budget has already been approved by manager with budget allocation authority when the contract was made, this form will not go onwards for further approval.

To return the form to the hourly employee, click "Return". Click "Return to sender" in the confirmation dialogue. When returning a form, the notice field is obligatory. It is not possible for you as a caseworker to make changes to the form if something is incorrect. If the form contains errors you must return it to the hourly employee for correction.

Oppdatert: 26. april 2021


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