Payment of hourly contract - for the hourly employee (self-service portal)

If you are an hourly employee, you can learn how to submit your hours for payment in the self-service portal and what to do if the time sheet is returned to you.

Sending time sheet

Log in to the self-service portal and click the tile for "My contracts".

Screenshot displaying the tile "My contracts" in the self-service portal.

The display will show your previous, active, and future contracts. You can register hours if you have access to the self-service solutions. Click the applicable contract to start registering your hours. The display will show an overview of the contract terms. By pressing the button "Show contract" you can see a copy of the signed contract. The column "Hours" will show the number of hours first agreed upon. Click “Time sheet” at the bottom of the display to register hours.

Screenshot displaying list of contracts in the self-service portal.
Screenshot displaying contract in the self-service portal with button for show contract and time sheet.

A monthly overview of the contract will show under “Time sheet”. The bottom of the page will show the remaining hours of your contract. Click the applicable month to register hours.

Screenshot displaying time sheet in the self-service portal.

The next page will show your previously registered hours for the applicable month. To register new hours, click “+ Create new” to the bottom left. Register on the page which will appear. You must enter the date, task, time and any work country or cost allocation if applicable.

Screenshot displaying button to register new hours on contract in the self-service portal.
Screenshot displaying the various fields for registration of hours on hourly contract in the self-service portal.

Enter date in the date field or select the date from the calendar. You are only able to select a date for the month you are currently registering. If the contract starts for example March the 15th, you will not be able to register hours on earlier dates. It is not possible to register more hours than the remaining hours of the contract.

The field “Task” will be prefilled and not editable if the contract contains only one task. When the contract contains several tasks, or one task has several cost allocations, the field will not be prefilled. In this case you need to press the “Task” field and select the applicable combination from the list.

The field “Work country” may be prefilled. If not, you need to enter a country from the list. Enter the time in the “From” and “To” fields. You can change the cost allocation by clicking “Cost allocation”. This is prefilled with information from the applicable task. All the elements can be edited except for cost centre.

Screenshot displaying fields for cost allocation for hours on hourly contract in the self-service portal.

Click “Save” in the bottom right corner when you are done registering. An overview of the time sheet from the applicable month will show. To save the registration and enter more information later, click "Save" in the bottom right corner. Click “Send” to send the registration. Confirm the submission. Be aware that you can only send one time sheet for each month, and that all hours for the applicable month has to be registered before submission.

Screenshot dislaying how to save registration of hours in the selv-service portal.
Screenshot displaying saving and submitting time sheet in the self-service portal.

Returned time sheet

Log in to the self-service portal and click on the tile “My inbox”. The number of tasks in the inbox is displayed in the bottom right corner of the tile.

Screenshot displaying "My inbox" in the self-service portal.

Find the task called “Time sheet against contract”. The message from the caseworker will appear in the information box. Click "Open task" to the bottom right corner to open the task.

Screenshot displaying returned task in the inbox in the self-service portal.

The message from the caseworker will appear in the information box in the middle of the screen. This page shows all submitted hours. You can add more hours by clicking “+Create new”. You can change the submitted hours by clicking the applicable line. This is done the same way as explained under “Sending time sheet”. Press “Send” when the changes have been made. Click "Delete" to delete the form.

Screenshot displaying return message and correction page in the self-service portal.
Oppdatert: 23. april 2021


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